Decoupling plastic production from fossil feedstock and creating a circular plastics economy are essential to achieving EU climate, energy and sustainability goals. Approximately 12 million tonnes of plastic waste ends up in our oceans and contaminates our land every year. While there has been a recent shift towards the use of bio-based plastics, these materials have limitations and are not easy to recycle using current technologies. SEALIVE will address all these challenges with a vision to reduce plastic waste and contamination on land and in seas by boosting the use of biomaterials and contributing to the circular economy with cohesive bio-plastic strategies.
At a glance:
European Union Horizon 2020
Type of action:
Innovation Action (IA)
Sustainable solutions for bio-based plastics on land and sea (CE-BG-06-2019)
October 2019 – March 2024 (54 months)
Instituto Tecnológico del Embalaje, Transporte y Logística (ITENE), Spain
24 partners + 5 linked third parties in 13 countries
Total Budget:
€10.26 million
In support of the European Plastics Strategy, the consortium’s multidisciplinary team of experts will:
Develop new bio-based plastic solutions using sustainable biomass sources and efficient processing technologies
Optimise sustainable business models and product design strategies for the new solutions
Implement pre-normative studies to foster standardization of biodegradable solutions
Promote the use of the new solutions by the plastics industry, public authorities and citizens
Support the development of European and global bioplastics frameworks for policy makers
Improve bioplastic sorting technologies and procedures for end of life solutions
SEALIVE will generate new bio-based plastics with advanced properties and enhanced efficiency, improve processing technologies and product design and implement effective end-of-life solutions. These solutions will be upscaled and demonstrated by eight end-applications in six regions spanning across Europe and South America. To guarantee their adoption, SEALIVE innovations and strategies will be supported by policy measures, proposals for new harmonized biodegradability standards and training on the use and benefits of the solutions.

Improved biobased plastic solutions which use resources efficiently, reduce carbon footprints and greenhouse gas emissions
Innovative processing technologies for improved waste management strategies, reducing plastic pollution on land and in seas
Informed policymaking and contributions to support the European Plastic Strategy and biodegradability standards
Enhanced cooperation between bio-based plastic stakeholders, increased market transparency and shared knowledge for a stronger blue bioeconomy