Centre Technique Industriel de la Plasturgie et des composites (IPC)

Role in the Project: Lead for WP3 - Compounding and processing of novel bio-based plastics with advanced mechanical, thermal, barrier and durability properties

Contact: Valentin Thoury

Email: valentin.thoury@ct-ipc.com

With more than 3000 SMEs directly connected, IPC is in charge of providing the plastics and composites industry with innovative and high added value facilities and manufacturing pilot lines, cutting edge expertise and services. IPC covers the full industry value chain with its key fields of expertise including design and simulation of parts and processes; advanced extrusion, injection moulding and tooling; thermoplastics materials; composites materials; plastronics. Main markets addressed today encompass packaging, automotive, aeronautics, health, connectors, house appliances, horology. Developing new value chains is a key strategic issue with focus e.g. on bio-plastic parts, microsystems on plastics; smart composites; multi-materials additive manufacturing.