PROJECT NEWS: New SEALIVE Policy Brief on the UN Plastics Treaty



SEALIVE partners from IEEP (Belgium) have published a new policy brief on the UN Plastics Treaty. On 4 September 2023 the United Nations Environment Programme published a Zero draft text of the international legally binding instrument on plastic pollution, including in the marine environment. This is more commonly referred to as the UN Plastics Treaty. The text will be discussed by the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee to develop this instrument in its third session in Nairobi on 13–19 November 2023. SEALIVE’s briefing highlights key points that we believe should be taken into account in the discussions.

The zero draft covers a range of issues relating to the reduction in production and use of plastics and the management of plastic waste. This briefing does not seek to comment on all of these, but rather it focuses on a few selected issues derived from analysis undertaken within the SEALIVE project. 

The full policy brief can be found on the SEALIVE website here. All other policy briefs developed by the SEALIVE project can be accessed on our Media page here. 

Published 02/11/2023 | Last edited 02/11/2023

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