A core element of the SEALIVE project is the upscaling, demonstration and validation of eight bio-based solutions including food packaging, cutlery and fishing nets by the 24 project partners across six different regions across Europe and in South America.
8 New Technologies Being Developed
Using advanced bio-based materials and innovative processing technologies, SEALIVE aims to develop 8 new bio-based solutions which have the potential to reduce plastic pollution on land and at sea. Solutions include: rigid food containers, flexible packaging for deep-frozen application, single use cutlery, agricultural films, flexible packaging for sea applications, fish crates, fishing nets and aquaculture mesh bags. Innovative ‘End-of-Life’ management and circular strategies for these bio-based solutions are essential for reducing further pollution of the land and sea. To support this, research will be carried out across demonstration sites to improve current standards for biodegradation, composting and recycling with regards to eco-toxicity, safety and influence of plastic ageing.

6 Demonstration Sites Across Europe and South America

Lead partner: URBASER
NIR detection system to test separation of polymers – At their industrial plants in Spain, URBASER will work on the separation of packaging as well as municipal waste. PELLENC’s latest generation of optical sorting equipment will be installed in these plants. This equipment will be reprogrammed and their NIR detection system will be modified to test the polymer separation.
Demonstration and validation of the biodegradability standards of rigid and flexible packaging in composting – URBASER make it’s composting pilot plant at the Innovation Centre of Zaragoza available to perform these tests. This pilot plant has a semi-industrial capacity (TRL7) and the tests conducted in it are representative of industrial scale. The bioplastics (rigid/flexible packaging) will be introduced in the controlled proportion defined in the tests to the composting tunnel. The process parameters will be kept under control and the resulting material will be analysed according to the standards and norms developed by the consortium partners.
Related deliverables: D1.1, D4.3, D5.1, D5.10
Lead Partner: OWS
At the Belgian demonstration site, the mulching film produced by POL in WP5 will be validated by OWS in its pilot-scale composting bins of 200 L. Real-life composting process of mulching films will be simulated according to ISO 16929 (which is part of EN 13432 on compostable materials). OWS will perform this test on the developed mulching film demonstrators to evaluate if the product does fulfil EN 13432.
Related deliverables: D1.1, D3.5, D3.6, D4.6, D4.7, D5.2, D5.3, D5.4, D5.10
Lead partner: ISOTECH
The fishing nets that will be developed as part of WP5 by CIT will be evaluated in the waters of Cyprus to ensure that their biodegradable nature does not negatively affect their functionality and durability, and that these properties are comparable to traditional fishing nets. Higher water temperature in the Mediterranean Sea could accelerate the biodegradability of the fishing nets, so with that in mind Cyprus has been selected as the demonstration site for this product.
Related deliverables: D1.1, D5.7, D5.10
Lead partner: IBERCONSA
The biodegradability of the fishing nets developed by CIT in WP5 will be also validate in the Patagonian sea (Argentina). The validation will be carried out in a smaller wetfish shrimp trawler. The fishing nets will be delivered to Puerto Rawson (Patagonia), to be evaluate by participating fishermen, previously instructed to report their experience with the developed fishing nets, during the 4 months trials in-shore fishing season (November to March). The functionality and biodegradable ability of the developed fishing nets will be compared with traditional ones.
Related deliverables: D1.1, D5.7, D5.10
Lead partner: SEABIRD
The oyster mesh bags that will be developed as part of WP5 by CNE will be demonstrated and validated in two French oyster farms. SEABIRD will carry out this demonstration with the help of CNE and its wide network of oyster farmers. One specific farm will be selected to test the functionality of the bio-based oyster mesh bag and also its biodegradability properties. The Atlantic Coast of France has been selected as pilot site due to its strong activity in aquaculture.
Related deliverables: D1.1, D3.1, D5.8, D5.10
Lead partner: ERINN
The fishing crates developed as part of WP5 by SP-Berner will be distributed by the manufacturer to a selection of local users and trialled in Irish ports to test the functionality of their biodegradable design in an industrial and commercial capacity, and to demonstrate the feasibility of their continued use to the local fishing industry. Ireland has been selected as a pilot site for this product due to its strong seafood exports industry.
Related deliverables: D1.1, D3.1, D3.3, D3.4, D4.1, D4.2, D5.5, D5.10