G2G Business Plan Writer

The G2G Business Plan Writer is an online tool designed to support current and future entrepreneurs in assessing and improving their business plans. This self-guided tool provides an easy-to-understand structure that combines theory and practice on a single platform, providing writing templates for the main elements of a business plan. This tool covers five main categories and their connecting elements, which together are designed to cover all relevant aspects of a business plan interesting to future partnerships, investors or soft funding.

The tool can be helpful for business owners of all levels of expertise, both seasoned, as well as those with little to no prior business plan writing skills. The goal is to help entrepreneurs convert their business ideas into a comprehensive business plan by working through all of the tool’s sections, as well as providing an evaluation of the viability and credibility of the business strategy (available to SEALIVE partners).

 To get started, register at the link below and use the templates for your writing process – you can pick the most relevant elements for your business or even combine the elements in the order of your choice!

Access the G2G Business Plan Writer


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