European Maritime Day

Thursday, 14 May 2020 -
Saturday, 16 May 2020

Cork City Council, City Hall, Cork, Ireland

Add to Calendar 14-05-2020 2:28 16-05-2020 2:28 Europe/London European Maritime Day The 2020 edition of the European Maritime Day (EMD) due to take place on 14-15 May 2020 in the City of Cork, Ireland has been postponed.

Since 2008 the European Maritime Day is being hosted each year by a different port city, providing a unique maritime flavour and offering stakeholders an opportunity to meet and showcase their activities.

In 2020, the City of Cork will open its gates and its safe harbour to Europe’s maritime stakeholders. The European Maritime Day 2020 will be held in conjunction with Our Ocean Wealth (OOW), Ireland’s flagship annual event for the marine sector and will be run back-to-back with ‘SeaFest’, Ireland’s largest family-friendly marine festival, expecting up to 100.000 visitors.

Given the implications of Coronavirus for all countries including restrictions on travel, Cork City Council and the Irish Marine Coordination Group have decided to defer EMD.

Published 12/05/2020 | Last edited 12/05/2020

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